Saturday, September 29, 2007

What the Hell?

I have officially been hit on by a transvestite. Last week an enormous hispanic she-man. batted his/her eyes at me and asked for directions to Illinois. If you need a mental picture, think a Latin American Andre the Giant dressed in a mini-skirt and tube top (with amole abdominal rollage) finished off with stilletto heels. Yuck. Sadly, having never driven to Ill., I was unable to point him.her in the right direction. SOme of you will be glad to know that I was able to contain my snickers to a minimum, you know, in order to protect his/her obviously very fragile feelings. I just thank the Good Lord that it wasn't able to menstruate.

P.S. I wonder what it would have looked like had it contracted the always tragic, yet ultimately funny disease, you guessed it, Uncontrollable Falling Down?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Molding young alchoholics one cheesy after-shool special at atime!

Recently I saw a billboard in St. Joe reading...
"From Binge To Blackout: An Inspirational Story about Teenage Drinking"
Question: Should we really be inspiring our children to become binge drinkers...why the hell not?