Recently at work giant of a gay man started quoting Scripture. While I can't for the life of me recall the reference number, it had to do with showing love to others. This was a rebuttal for making an insensitive remark about homosexuals, to which I replied equally insensitive to with, "Then stop being gay". Anyway, the occurrence made me think of the recent coming out of the Christian music superstar Ray Boltz. I can't quite grasp the thought process. Here's a guy who makes a living by spreading the Gospel through song, (albeit badly written ones), with what I can only assume is an extensive knowledge of Scripture, who seems to have no problem embracing a homosexual life style. It's possible some things in the Bible are clouded in shades of gray but homosexuality is not one of them. For a long time I was mad. "How dare he?" I thought. He's just one more guy making Christianity a puching bag for the media. But after a while it dawned on me...I'm really no better than him, and may in fact be worse. I have a truly filthy mouth and a brain that may be lacking in a moral filter. I still periodically turn to substance abuse to cope with life's wondrous banality and the very thought of sharing my faith makes me uncomfortable to the point of inanity. Man am I weak...maybe Santa will bring me a pair of stones for Christmas...
I think that this is part of the problem with this whole debate. I doubt if asked on the street whether you thought your life was entirely morally okay/good that you would say "yes." I don't even think that you would be offended if anyone called you a sinner. You might belittle them in return, but you probably wouldn't disagree with them.
I'm glad that you have such personal insights, but remember that admitting you have a problem is the first step - and way too many people don't even get that far.
I recently had to try to explain to a non-Christian at work how Clay Aiken can be gay but a which I so politely replied, "He probably isn't!". After I calmed down though, I explained to her that some people really love God...they love the things about God that keep them safe and make them happy...but they don't begin to scratch the surface of His whole identity - sovereignty, just, wrath - those kinds of things...
Some people have affection for God but they don't respect him enough to obey His commands.
It's like me with my dad...I love him because he's my dad but if he told me to clean my room I'd do something like laugh at him because I don't respect him.
I too am thankful for your revelation and hope it leads to some courageous behavior on your part...there are people in the world who need people like you to tell them about Jesus because they won't listen to the rest of us.
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