Have you ever wondered what it would be like to attend a rave located in some small midwestern town? I sure thought so! Well don't worry, I've taken the liberty of doing so for you. My very own brother recently hosted a 'rave themed' birthday party for one of his apperently very close friends.(Thats right, turns out adults can have theme parties too.) Chock full of bright young faces, the proverbial farmers daughter, the mayors kid, the local trailer-dweller and the pastors son, all brought together by the primal instict to drop X and gesticulate wildly to the incessant ungh-tis, ungh-tis, ungh-tis of generic techno music.
I for one applaud the bravery of these young kids, casting aside the hillbilly-esque stigma of small town teens and fighting to be taking seriously in the electronic dance scene.
But this rave went above and beyond those piddly big city raves. While big-time ravers use warehouses and clubs. these kids really brought a down-home, rustic feel to their party. Maybe it was the fire-in-a-barrell, or the field littered with broke down semi trucks and tractor skeletons. Whatever it was, I felt at home amongst these make-believe beatniks.
After a quick chat with the token black guy, apparently named 'Steve', I sadly shook my brothers hand and headed for the door. On my way home my brothers parting words echoed in my brain. Amidst the blaring techno, flailing arms and comatose stares, he pulled me aside and said..."Careful on your way home bro...there's a 14 point buck kicking around the woods, just waining to wreck your car."
"What a nice young man," I think on the drive home. As the beats fade into the background I imagine that fourteen point buck, a glowstick draped around its neck, and its hooves tapping quietly in tune with the music, and smile.