Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Sir...

Keep up the good work. Brilliant! Thanks to your most audacious of window graffiti, the world is aware of the fiscal fiasco taking place. You know the one I'm talking about; the one all the rest of whom, at least until recently, remained blissfully unaware of. Way to use that freedom of speech, pal. There's just one thing...would you mind driving the speed limit? I'm seconds away from ramming those fair tax bumper stickers up an orifice of your choice...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Finding Hilarity in Our Eminent Undoing

Several weeks ago, my great-grandmother passed away due to complications from leukemia. At 94, she had lived a good life, and was preceded in death by her husband of multiple decades. While not wanting to make light of her passing, I could not help but laugh audibly at her time of passing. Having settled into her brand new hospital bed, and listening to the musical musings of my father in the other room, she simply slipped away, destined for the blissful heaven immortalized in myriad hymns. During what song did she choose to exit? None other than, "I'll Fly Away"...priceless.