As was inevitable, my wife has decided to subject to copious amounts of pain. Its true, my yearly round of dentists appointments has begun. My day started with a brusk, hick-esque "doctor" wailing on my already damaged chompers. Apparently he was trying for some sort of speed record because any sense of gentleness and nuance were tossed aside long before he entered my room. My teeth recieved less punishment in a drug induced fit of teeth grinding.
But the cherry on top was the socially and professionally inept 'assistant' who couldn't seem to master the use of the suckee-thingy. It wasn't enough for her to leave bottomless pools of blood collecting in the bottom of my mouth, she found it necessary try and vacuum out the hangy-down thing occupying the back of my throat. It was all I could do to refrain from projectile vomiting all over the front of her Grey's Anatomy hand-me-down scrubs. But what the hell, its not every day I get the pleasure of being able to pay someone to inflict pain, right?
Equally frustrating is the fact that all dentists feel it necessary to verbally berate you for taking crappy care of your teeth. Surely they must realize that lazy, sardonic bastards, such as mysellf, are solely responsible for allowing them to earn a living. And a fairly nice one at that. When asked between spending $1700 dollars on a root canal and something called a crown, ((be assured this word conjured uo memories of countlees memories spent in the shadow of the burger King himself.), and spending $150 dollars on the reomoval of said tooth, even though it totally negates the tooth directly above it, seemed like a no brainer to me.
While the the fact that the dentist spends nine-tenths of the time humming bubble gum, glitter-glam Eighties hair rock at least prevented him from asking the insatiably banal questions most dental doctors feel necessary to ask, this pro was soon outweighed by the psychological trauma I endured, my face being smashed quite forcefully against what I can only assume was the genital region; a punisment no man should be subjected to. Okay, maybe Rosie O'Donnell.
I guess its not really the pain. I like to think I could handle the pain. The really bad parts are the tastes and smells that take over during an appointment. The grotesuquely dry latex taste of those glove. The rancid menthol taste of the pre-numbing jelly applied liberally to my gums. And worst of all the burnt, smoky taste and smell that permeates my mouth; the taste and smell of my teeth being obliterated into a fine white powder. A powder that I am not altogether unsure that I could sell to my older brother and some of his fellow compatriots.
Though the only person to blame is myself. Years of drinking soda and coffee, not to mention substtituting the practice of teeth brushing for chewing gum of the winterfresh variety, has left my teeth in a state not unlike that of Chernobyl. Hopefully they won't take on an iradescent gloww.
My only consolation is that everday my wife has to wake up and suffer a penalty much worse than a hockey game; preparing young pre-pubescent minds for their future. I guess I feel vindicated. At least a little.